1 / 20
Arriving in Budapest
2 / 20
Bubu got a Bubu bubble tea!
3 / 20
Mieso i ziemniaki
4 / 20
Anarchist-themed bar
5 / 20
An urban market
6 / 20
...urban and reused
7 / 20
At the graveyard for statues of communist times
8 / 20
In the Hungarian parliament
9 / 20
Greek moussake in the streets of Budapest
10 / 20
Swimming at Szechenyi baths!
11 / 20
More street food in Budapest
12 / 20
Under the golden bridges
13 / 20
That's a huge glass
14 / 20
Back in Frankfurt, eating a Georgian dumpling hands-free
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Taking a break on the bike ride from Hanau to Frankfurt
16 / 20
KonstiFood meal
17 / 20
Homemade Shakshuka
18 / 20
Atop Castle Auerbach
19 / 20
A snack after hiking between the castles south of Frankfurt
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Greek food in Frankfurt after biking
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